Monday, June 7, 2010

Tagged 5 Questions

ive been tagged by my buddy filipinofn2. here are the questions that he asked me: 1. Can you speak another language? if so, give me a random fact about yourself- in that lang. if not, juss give me a random fact geesh lmao 2. Do you have any special talents? if not, make something up = ] 3. What's your most embarrassing moment? muahahaha = ] 4. What got you started with making youtube vids? 5. Ever stared at butterflies? if you have well thats nice to know but question 5 is really:If you could be any animal what would it be and why? (be sure to include an impersonation of that animal) = ] I Tagged: ChiiSaiiNaly GeniusBoy88 Krazyazmina TakuuFTW kh0nlao here are my questions: 1.You know the signs on restaurant doors? No Shirt, No Shoes, No Service? what if someone goes in with No Pants? Would the restaurant still have to serve them? 2.Why when people ask you "what three things would you bring with you on a desert island?" no one ever replies, "A BOAT" 3.Can a school teacher give a homeless child homework? 4.Why is it called a "building" when it is already built? 5.Do one legged ducks swim in circles? now enjoy!!

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